Pittsburgh, PA. - Women-Drivers.com As a car dealer, you’ve been thoroughly trained on all steps of a sale from greeting through negotiation and final sale. And, you apply these steps well. But, it’s a good bet that even armed with all of your knowledge and experience there have been more than a few times when you found yourself wondering, "What happened? I thought everything was going well and yet the prospect walked out the door."
Here, you will learn unusual but highly effective tips to help you focus on signals that you might otherwise miss – signals that could be the difference between clinching a deal and having the potential buyer walk out the door. Women-Drivers.com reveals that women car buyers visit 1.9 dealerships before purchasing. That means that while 5 out of 10 women who walk in are going to buy a car from you; and 5 are going to leave - and 89% of those who do leave will not return to your dealership.
Your Brain on Auto Pilot Have you ever said something or acted on something and then asked yourself, "What was I thinking?" Let's face it, all of us have found ourselves acting first and thinking second at various times. When this lapse of 'conscious consideration' happens during the car buying process, it means that you could be missing something vital.

- The Neocortex, smart and conscience, produces language, reason, and analysis.
- The Limbic part stores memories and reactions and records and produces emotion.
The Reptilian part is unconscious, designed to create fight or flight when survival is at stake, and can be quite irrational, allowing one to jump to unwarranted conclusions.
Clear Intentions International® is a company that provides executive Neuro-Emotional Coaching and works with sales professionals in the US, Israel, and Germany. "The common challenges that sales people have are fear of rejection, poor time management and lack of confidence – or, in some cases, the sense of deserving to be successful. Even though it's 2013 and we have all this technology and are highly sophisticated, our emotions still rule our decisions. Sales people think the deal closed and in a nano-second something happens and they derail it," says founder and President Dr. Barbara Schwarck, PCC.
To address this, Clear Intentions created the BreakThrough Now app (iphone users can downloadhere) that assists salespeople in powerfully dealing with their blind spots As a result of some simple tests, you can achieve dramatic improvements in productivity, procrastination, feeling disempowered, and against rejection. Adds Dr. Schwarck, "it's a litmus or PH test to locate individual weaknesses and what to go to work on."
When you stop paying real attention to your sales interaction and, instead, operate on auto pilot or assume or just jump to conclusions, your limbic brain takes over meaning you are acting on instinct, history and internalized prejudices rather than being present to happening right now. For more on how the brain functions, and how car buyers also become 'hijacked or hooked', read Women-Driver's article on The Neuroscience of Buying a Car.
With women going to 1.9 dealerships before buying, read on to understand 3 key developments you can employ to maximize your sales opportunity well beyond a 50-50% chance.
1. Get to Know Women Car Buyers Better
Here's a quick test to help you understand why some women have a difficult time relating to their sales advisor.
Here's a quick test to help you understand why some women have a difficult time relating to their sales advisor.
- When "browsing for a car'' what percent of women feel the salesperson was directing real or, valued, communication toward them?
(A) less than 60% (B) 75.0% (C) 79.3% (D) 82.1% - When "buying a car'' what percent of women feel the salesperson was directing real or, valued, communication toward them?
(A) less than 60% (B) 67.9% (C) 84.3% (D) 90.7% - 3. What percent of women 'browsers' would recommend their salesperson?
(A) 41.4% (B) 51.5% (C) 61.5% (D) 71.6% - What percent of women 'buyers' would recommend their salesperson?
(A) 61.5% (B) 71.5% (C) 81.7% (D) 91.6%
According to Women-Drivers.com, the answers are:: 1. (D); 2. (D); 3. (D); 4. (D)
These few answers show that women experience browsing and buying very differently. Women give their salespeople much higher scores when buying. Clearly, there is room for seller improvement. Consider to what extend you might be responsible for these perceptions. Do you interact or pay attention to her the same if you think he is "just looking or browsing"? Do you pull out all the stops, however, when you (think) she is buying?
2. What a Woman Really is Communicating When She Says, "I'm Just Looking?"... Continue Reading Here
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About Women Drivers Women‐Drivers.com is a marketplace connecting women buyers to trusted Certified Women‐Drivers Friendly™ Car Dealers and encourages extraordinary commercial experiences and lasting relationships between these two groups. Women‐Drivers.com is a producer of highly engaging Facebook women+family content and publishes a platform of integration services that build social communities for car dealers. The Company provides innovative web‐based marketing solutions that build trust and transparency, resulting in greater sales and servicing from women. Follow on Twitter @womendrivers.
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