Monday, June 24, 2013

Tap, Track and Find: The Hone for iPhone and iPad Locates Lost Keys to Help You Get Out the Door Quickly

Hone Image Strip
Lightweight device flashes and beeps when triggered by the corresponding app to alert user of location; Available

 If you’re a bit absent-minded or tend to misplace your keys resulting in a crazed morning scramble as you attempt to get out the door then the Hone is perfect for you.  Available now at BiteMyApple, the Hone is a lightweight device that attaches to your keychain, and alerts the user of its location when prompted by the corresponding iOS app.  

“I know a lot of people who spend at least ten minutes every day trying to find their keys.  It’s a common problem so when I spotted the Hone I knew this ingenious little device would give back that lost time,” says Chris Johnson, Founder of BiteMyApple.  “The great thing about the Hone is that it’s not only for keys- you can attach it to almost anything you lose often.”

At only half an ounce, the Hone device is so lightweight that you’ll barely know it’s on your keychain.  To activate the device, the user must first download the Hone app, and then tap the “Find” button on your iPhone or iPad screen.  The app instantly connects to the Hone making it light up and beep from up to 100 feet away of your lost keys.

If you’re not within range of the Hone then you can utilize the device’s built-in proximity sensor.  That means all you have to do if walk around with the app open and your smartphone will let you know when you’re nearing those elusive keys.  The low-energy device ensures the battery (CR2032) will last up to six months before it needs to be replaced.

The Hone is compatible with the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPad 3, iPad 4 and iPad Mini.  It retails for $59.95 at
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